- Special Section on “Ecological models in ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment“ with many CREAM contributions appeared in the journal „Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry”.
- Special Issue “Population Models for Ecological Risk Assessment of Chemicals“ produced by CREAM appeared in the journal „Ecological Modelling”.
- Paper by Dr. Ben Martin “Predicting population dynamics from the properties of individuals: a cross-level test of dynamic energy budget theory” was chosen to receive an Honorable Mention for the 2013 Student Paper of the Year award from The American Naturalist (i.e., one of the three best papers among 80).
- On March 10th, Dr. Chun Liu spoke at the Innovation Convention 2014, in the session “Nobel inspiration: a conversation with young researchers“
- Presentations from the CREAM Open Conference (which took place in June 2013 in Leipzig, Germany) are available on line (click here!)
- Guidance on TRACE documentation (download)