As a Marie Curie Initial Training Network, CREAM is designed to provide world class training for the next generation of ecological modellers. Training courses are organised for the CREAM fellows. Additionally, all CREAM members meet regualrily for workshops.
Past events:
10.06.2013 – 13.06.2013; Open Conference “Mechanistic Effect Models for Ecological Risk Assessment of Chemicals”, in Leipzig, Germany
In this conference, the final deliverables of the work packages were presented and discussed. This included presentations on individual projects and presentations on more generic findings, e.g. Good modelling practice and answers to CREAM’s research questions. The conference was opened to external contributions that referred to the research topics of CREAM.
Organised by Volker Grimm, Ida Dolciotti, Jula Zimmermann, Jürgen Groeneveld (all UFZ).
10-11 December 2012; Training course “Career development”, in Aachen, Germany
Researchers who had been trained in ecological modelling and made careers in academia, industry, authorities or consulting firms reported their experience and gave practical advices how to pursue a career in the respective fields.
Organised by Thomas Preuss (RWTH) and Paul Van den Brink (Wageningen University).
.20.05.2012- 24.05.2012; SETAC Europe/World meeting in Berlin, Germany
List of CREAM contributions
19.09.2011 – 23.09.2011; Open Mid-term workshop in Krakow, Poland
The workshop was open for up to 100 participants including representatives from european regulatory agencies, chemical companies and consultants. Keynote presentations by project members and invited scientists were given on different aspects of the CREAM background and fellows presented the results of theirs individual projects.
Organised by Ryszard Laskowski (Jagiellonian University).
05.09.2011-08.09.2011; Course at regulatory authority UBA in Dessau, Germany
CREAM fellows visited the associated partner UBA (Federal Environmental Agency) and were trained in evaluating toxicity studies and conducting risk assessment along with practical experience.
Organised by Sabine Duquesne (UBA).
11.07.2011-15.07.2011; Course at regulatory authority ANSES in Maisons-Alfort Cedex, France
Up to 10 CREAM fellows visited the associated partner ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) and were trained in evaluating toxicity studies and conducting risk assessment along with practical experience.
Organised by Patrice Carpentier (ANSES).
04.07.2011- 08.07.2011; Training course “Complementary Skills” in Rennes, France
This course included the topics preparation of oral presentations, writing of grant proposals, scientific writing and poster presentations.
Organised by Valery Forbes (Roskilde University) and Virginie Ducrot (INRA).
15.05.2011- 19.05.2011; SETAC Europe meeting in Milan, Italy
List of CREAM contributions (short course, posters and presentations)
13.02.2011- 18.02.2011; Training course “Tools” in Holte, Denmark
Location: At the Comwell hotel in Holte
The course covered statistics in ecotoxicology, analyses of spatial and temporal patterns in data, GIS, and an introduction to database management. It included both lectures and practical exercises.
The first part of the course covered statistical methods in ecotoxicology and an introduction to the statistical software ‘R’. It included: an introduction to parametric statistics; evaluation of single species toxicity tests; NOEC calculations and ECx calculations; evaluation of monitoring data sets and mesocosm studies; multivariate statistics; trend analyses and measures of goodness of fit; analyses of spatial data and time series analyses; statistics for calibration and validation of population models.
The last two days of the course covered the use of GIS and database management software. The GIS course focused on analysis of spatial patterns and data manipulation, data import and export, data visualisation, management of vector, grid and raster data. It was based on a mixture of presentations and practical exercises using ArcView. The introduction to database management covered basic concepts in simple and relational data bases, data security and management of missing values.
Organised by Jacob Nabe-Nielsen (NERI) and Udo Hommen (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft).
27.09.2010 -29.09.2010; Course at regulatory authority CRD in York, UK
7 CREAM fellows visited the associated partner CRD (Chemical Regulations Directorate) and were trained in evaluating toxicity studies and conducting risk assessment along with practical experience.
Organised by Melissa Reed (Chemical Regulations Directorate – CRD)
20.09.2010 -24.09.2010; Training course “Ecotoxicology and risk assessment” in York, UK
The course provided the background information on chemical risk assessment in Europe. It covered the different legal frameworks for different types of chemicals (e.g. Dir 91/414, REACH) the standard and higher tier tests to measure effects on non-target species, the models to estimate fate and exposure and the concepts to assess the risks. Presentations were be given by representatives from academia, industry and regulatory agencies.
Organised by Alistair Boxall & Colin Brown (University of York) and Richard Sibly (Reading University).
04.07.2010 – 13.07-2010; Training course “Ecological Modelling” in Bad Schandau, Germany
In this course, general principles of ecological modelling were introduced. Specific modules covered differential equation models, matrix models, and individual/agent-based models, with a strong focus on the latter. These model types were introduced in general and exemplified using models that had been developed for chemical risk assessment. Specific requirements for developing models for decision support were explained, demonstrated, and trained in exercises. The course included training in the software platform NetLogo and exercises based on R.
Organised by Volker Grimm (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ)
01.07.2010 – 02.07.2010; Start up meeting in Machern, Germany
The start up meeting had to be rescheduled and shortened (due to Eyjafjallajökull) but thanks to all CREAMers dedication it took place in Machern with almost everyone present. It was opened with welcoming and introductory lectures and was then followed by fellow project-presentations and presentations by the associated partners. An introduction to CREAM financial issues and a consortium meeting as well as a final plenary session were held.
Organised by Volker Grimm (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ)
26.10.2009 – 29.10.2009; Kick off meeting in Wageningen, the Netherlands
The first meeting of all partners and associated partners started with presentations of all research projects and the associated partners introduced their institutions. It continued with planning of future events, organisation and administration issues and work package meetings. Volker Grimm held a workshop on “good modelling practice” and an introductory NetLogo course.
Organised by Paul van den Brink (Wageningen University)