CREAM includes five work packages. Each package can include several projects. The first three work packages group individual projects by the type of ecosystem and organism addressed whereas the fourth work package organises the formulation, testing and refinement of CREAM´s core feature, the Good Moddeling Practice. Work package 5 will provide data sets that can be used not only in CREAM´s individual projects but also for future tests and validations of mechanistic effect models.
Work package 1 “Aquatic invertebrates” (coordinated by Udo Hommen)
- Daphnia-1: Experiments on effects of interspecific competition on population recovery
- Daphnia-2: Linking individual-based modelling and Dynamic Energy Budget theory: lessons for ecology and ecotoxicology
- Daphnia-3: Modelling the effects of mode-of-action of the toxicant on population recovery and extinction
- Copepod: Development of an individual-based copepod model
- Scales-1: Determination of toxicity by compound and species characteristics at different scales (individual and population)
- Scales-2: Individual-based model for sub-lethal effects on aquatic invertebrates
- Scales-3: Population-level effects of pesticide exposure at the small watershed level
- Scales-4: Extrapolating from local to regional effects using GIS and Population Viability Analysis
- DEB-1: Mechanistic effect modelling of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis
- DEB-2: Risk assessment of endocrine disrupting pesticides in gastropods
Work package 2 “Terrestrial invertebrates” (coordinated by Valery Forbes)
- Soil-1: Impact of spatial heterogeneity in soil contamination on collembolans populations
- Soil-2: Disturbance interactions: the combined effects of toxicants and environmental stochasticity on collembolans
- Soil-3: Disturbance interactions: modelling environmental and demographic stochasticity for populations exposed to toxicants
- Matrix: Life-table experiments and elasticity analyses for linking toxicity to ecological risk
Work package 3 “Vertebrates” (coordinated by Pernille Thorbek)
- Vertebrates: Applying toxicokinetic modelling to wildlife risk assessment for pesticides
- Mammals-1: Modelling the importance of exposure patterns, life history traits & toxicokinetics for the risk to populations of small mammals
- Mammals-2: Modelling the effects of soil contaminants on bats
- Bird-1: Ecological modelling to assess the risks that pesticides pose to skylark populations
- Bird-2: Ecological modelling to assess the risks that pesticides pose to woodpigeon populations
- Polar Bear: Modelling effects of chemicals on polar bear population dynamics
- Fish-1: Predicting toxicity to fish based on in vitro data via a two step model
- Fish-2: Extrapolating sub-lethal effects on fish to the population level
Work package 4 “Good Modelling Practice” (coordinated by Volker Grimm)
Work package 5 “Validation Data sets” (coordinated by Paul Van den Brink)