Helmholtz Centre for Enrivonmental Research – UFZ

Contacts: Volker Grimm and Matthias Liess

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany, was established in 1991 as the first and only centre in the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres (HGF) to be exclusively devoted to environmental research in a great variety of fields. It currently employs around 900 people. UFZ is a worldwide recognised centre of expertise in the remediation and renaturation of contaminated landscapes, as well as the preservation of natural landscapes.

UFZ has the capacity, resources and experience to coordinate this project. Since its foundation UFZ has participated in 116 EU-projects, coordinating 43 of them.

Prof. Dr. Volker Grimm is a senior scientist at the Department of Ecological Modelling and affiliated to the University of Potsdam. He is a world-leading expert in ecological modelling and has recently published the first monograph on individual-based modelling and a general protocol for describing individual-based models. He is the coordinator of the CREAM project, and he advises the PhD project “Pattern-oriented modelling of interspecific competition and recovery” hosted at the UFZ.

PD Dr. Matthias Liess is a leading expert in ecotoxicological effect assessment of complex ecological systems. He has published more than 80 peer reviewed papers, books and book chapters and is well ranked in the ISI list of highly cited scientists. He is affiliated to UFZ as Head of Department and as lecturer to the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He is the supervisor of the CREAM PhD project “Experiments on effects of interspecific competition on population recovery.”

  • Grimm V, Railsback SF (2005) Individual-based Modeling and Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 428 pp.
  • Grimm V, Revilla E, Berger U, Jeltsch F, Mooij WM, Railsback SF, Thulke H-H, Weiner J, Wiegand T, DeAngelis DL (2005) Pattern-oriented modeling of agent-based complex systems: lessons from ecology. Science 310: 987-991.
  • Liess M, Pieters B, Duquesne S (2006) Long-term signal of population disturbance after pulse exposure to an in-secticide – rapid recovery of abundance, persistent alteration of structure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25: 1326-1331.


CREAM projects hosted by UFZ: